Progress vs. Perfection #29

As I sit here at my computer, about to begin writing, I can’t help but think of all the other things I could be, and quite frankly would rather be doing. I often find myself allowing my feelings and emotions to stop me from doing what I know I need to be doing. I had every intention of writing this post as soon as I put Scarlett down for her nap, but instead of being obedient and doing what I knew I needed to do, I let me emotions decide for me. Scarlett was having an extremely hard time falling asleep and I allowed the situation to completely take over. I’ve been learning over the past several weeks, that I allow my thoughts and feelings to control my actions. They influence my productivity and more often lack their of. I use excuses such as I’m just stressed out, exhausted or anxious and I automatically decide I need to ‘relax’. Sometimes this is true, but when I’m using the same excuse time after time it becomes a habit. I’m not truly stressed out because she won’t sleep. It does make me a little anxious, because I know she needs the rest, but I think by now this has just become a habit. It’s become a foot hold that I’ve allowed the devil to use. He knows what sets me off and he will continue to use it over and over again. I have to admit that it was really hard for me to force myself to sit down and write this post. Not because I don’t want to, but because I want my attitude to be different. I want to be in a perfect mood when I write these blog posts, but the reality is, there is no perfect moment. I think that’s often why I have a hard time staying consistent with these posts. I feel like I need to be in a certain frame of mind to feel like I can express my thoughts. When truly, this is probably the best time to write. When I’m having an off day. I feel like these days are when God wants to use me the most.

A lot of new exciting things have been happening around here. 1- We recently found out that this cute little baby in my tummy is a boy. We are beyond excited and cannot wait to expand our family and share our love with him. 2- Travis and I have started taking Financial Peace University for a second time as a refresher. We are now in a completely different financial situation than we were 3.5 years ago when we first took the class. 3- I’m in the process of joining a Trio at my church to help me get connected with a couple ladies. 4- Both of my businesses are flourishing and I have lots of new exciting opportunities up ahead. 5- New Year’s Resolutions are in full swing.

Since this is my first post of the New Year, I feel like it’s quite fitting for me to discuss resolutions once again. If you know me at all, you know that I’m a goal driven person. People who set goals, are the ones who get the most out of life. So many people disregard goals and resolutions and say ‘those aren’t for me’ because they are afraid of failing. But let’s get real, it’s better to fail at something than succeed at nothing!!! By far one of my favorite quotes of all times. Who wants to go through life afraid of failing? What a burden to have. Goals are things you want to work on and work towards. If you are always working toward the goal you can never fail. It’s when you stop trying, that you fail. NEVER STOP TRYING. Pain is temporary, but quitting is forever. This is another one of my favorite quotes (from the Biggest Loser). The contestants on the Ranch always use this quote to help motivate themselves and others in the gym while the work out, but truly this quote reaches beyond physical pain. No one ever said becoming a better person was easy. No one ever said getting where you want to go would be a stroll in the park. If you want something to change, you have to work at it and it will definitely be hard work.

This next passage is an excerpt taken from a New Years Resolution article written by Laura Markham; “If you make the same resolution every year, join the club. That doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It means you’re headed in the right direction, and you aren’t perfect yet. (Shocking, I know!) The bad news is, you won’t be perfect this year either. The good news is, you don’t have to be!” When I read this, it totally took a weight off my shoulders. I too have fallen into the trap of feeling like a failure at times when I can’t be perfect, but let me tell you the Lord is absolutely working on me and trying to teach me that I WILL NEVER EVER….REPEAT EVER BE ANYWHERE NEAR PERFECT!!!!! So why do I keep trying? I am definitely coming around. I’m trying to learn to give myself some slack and pray for wisdom and acceptance daily. I know that I’m not a perfect person and I’m learning to accept that. So let’s dive right into my 2014 resolutions. Now these resolutions may look quite familiar, since I’m still working on the same ones from last year, but I have prioritized them differently this year. Last year they were prioritized by which I needed to work the hardest on, and this year will be no different, however my priorities have changed. You can read last year’s resolution post here.

1. Curb My Phone Attachment: I still have an extreme attachment with my phone. If it is within reach, I will always be using it. If it’s in the other room, I’m less likely to think about it. I am so much more productive and happy when I don’t have my phone around me all the time. I feel as though I need to work more diligently this year, making sure my family knows that they are more important than my phone. I cannot wait to get my hands on this new book. I feel like it was written just for me. ‘Hand’s Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters’ by Rachel Macy Stafford. Snag your copy here.

* Leave my phone out of reach, and only use it when I absolutely need it.

* Only check Facebook & Pinterest twice a day. (This one is going to be hard but it’s necessary)

2. Focus On Marriage: Anyone who is married knows that it’s hard work. It takes time and effort to make a marriage not only survive but thrive. My husband is my best friend. He is the most important person in my life. I need to remind him of that daily not only with my words but with my actions as well.

* I will stop comparing and competing. My husband and I are a team. We each contribute to the family however we can even if it’s not always equal.

* I will spend more quality time with my husband. We will go on a date at least every other week.

3. Take care of myself: Especially now that I’m pregnant, I really need to make sure that I’m taking the time to spend on me.

* I will eat at least 3 regular meals everyday (this may sound like a crazy one but often I skip meals because I’m just too overwhelmed and busy)

* I will learn to say no. My goal is to not have things scheduled every day.

* I need to go to bed earlier. It’s hard to make sleep a priority when there are other things I would rather be doing, but I know this will completely change my overall mood and level of productivity.

4. Spend more time with God: This year I want to be in a fully engaged relationship with Christ. I want to give him my whole self and not just what is left over. I want to determine God’s will for my life by remaining in his Love. I want to not only read his words, but allow them to penetrate my soul and completely change my life.

* I will set aside at least 15 minutes each day to spend reading the bible.

* I will pray continuously and not just when I need something.

5. Stop Complaining: I have a huge problem with complaining. I really want to change this about myself. In 2010 I had the chance to take a missions trip to Honduras and I experienced first hand what poverty looked like. I met people who had every right to complain, but they never did!! I know that I have nothing to complain about, but I still find myself being very ungrateful for what I already have.

* When I feel like complaining, I will stop and think of 3 things I am thankful for about that situation.

* I will pray continuously for contentment.

6. Get More Organized: When my home is organized, I am one happy girl! It puts me in such an amazing mood to know that things have a designated home. I feel more productive and efficient!

* I will work on one project at a time until it’s done before I move on to the next one. My office is my first project.

* I will be content with the progress I make and not let the list of things that need to be done overwhelm me.

7. Exercise 3 days a week: When I exercise regularly I feel better about myself. I want my daughter to grow up knowing the importance or exercise.

* I will go to the gym 2 times a week.

* I will spend time outside with my family being active (hiking, walking, riding bikes etc.)

I hope that all of you have goals and aspirations for your life!! If you write them down and post them somewhere, I guarantee that you will be more successful while working towards those goals. I plan to post these modified resolutions on the wall in my office so I can be reminded of them daily. I also would love for you to share some of your resolutions with me. Please help keep me accountable by checking in often about a few of mine and asking about my progress. Remember it’s important to note it’s all about progress NOT perfection.

ps. I could have sworn I just made this progress vs. perfection up, but apparently I did not!! When I searched for bible verses on this comparison, all kinds of motivational images popped up!! I’m guessing I’ve heard this before. I think I need to frame this and post it all over my house.


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